Just this past Friday night Brett came home from work and told me he was going to take Reed camping. I was invited, but I decided it would be easier to stay home with Jett. We got everything packed up, and Brett and Reed went up Mantua campground and spent the night. They roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and slept in the tent on an air mattress. In the morning they went fishing and Reed caught his first fish!! Unfortunately, Brett didn't have his camera with him when they went fishing so we don't have a picture of Reed's fish. When they came home, Reed ran in the door yelling to me that he caught a "yittle fissssh".
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Camping Trip
Posted by The Henrie's at 11:24 PM 3 comments
Horn Hunting
Since I had Jett, Reed has become his dad's little shadow. He goes everywhere with Brett, which I love. A couple of weeks ago Brett went horn hunting (looking for sheds from the elk, moose, and deer). He told me he wanted to take Reed with him. I was a little nervous because I knew they would do a lot of hiking and the mountain Brett wanted to go to you had to canoe across a river to get to it. We don't have a child carrier that fits Reed anymore so Brett emptied out his frame backpack and set Reed inside of it. I don't know how comfortable it was for Reed, but he stayed in there. They left at 3:00 in the afternoon and didn't come home until 11:00 at night. Brett loved taking Reed and I think Reed enjoyed going hiking with his dad. We'll see if he ever wants to climb into that backpack again.
Posted by The Henrie's at 10:51 PM 0 comments
New pictures of the boys
When going down for a nap, Reed HAS to have Jett lay down with him while mom reads a book. It's really cute to watch Reed be so attentive to Jett. This picture was taken just before Reed fell asleep for his nap the other day. Of course I don't leave Jett in there with him. Who knows what would happen when mom leaves the room.
Reed's favorite movies are the Shrek movies (don't ask me why). He watches them quite frequently. The other day after breakfast Reed told me he wanted to, "Watch Frek and hold Dett". Reed is usually very careful with his brother so I let him hold Jett for a little bit. When I went to pick Jett up Reed told me, "No No No Mom!" So we all sat on the couch together and watched Shrek. Jett fell asleep in Reed's arms/lap and Reed sat their watching the movie with Jett for about 30 minutes. I was shocked to see it last that long. It probably could have lasted longer if Jett would have stayed asleep.

Posted by The Henrie's at 10:21 PM 2 comments
So I might be a little red-neck...
Well many of you might know I'm married to the worlds most avid hunter. Of course some of his passion for hunting is going to wear off on me. After we got married I learned really fast that if I want to spend any time with my husband I better learn to like hunting. One of the first times I went hunting was when I was dating Brett and he took me raccoon hunting in the middle of the night. My family thought I was crazy for going, but I had so much fun. We've been married for almost 5 years and I still hunt, but not as much as I used to (somebody has to stay home with the boys).
Posted by The Henrie's at 10:10 PM 1 comments
Jett's Blessing Day
We blessed Jett the first of this month and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. There were no tears on Jett's part and he held very still (and wide awake) during the blessing. Brett did a wonderful job and I am so proud and grateful Brett holds the priesthood power and was able to give Jett those wonderful promises.
Posted by The Henrie's at 9:54 PM 0 comments
New Bikes
So for the past couple of years I have wanted a bike with a bike trailer hooked onto the back of it so I can take Reed for a bike ride. Well now that I have two kids and the summer off I definately want to get out and ride a bike with my boys. Brett saw how excited I was to do this so he took me out to buy 2 bikes (one for both of us) and a bike trailer. We have found a new hobby - we ride our bikes a couple times a week and to grandma's house and then the park on Sundays.
Posted by The Henrie's at 9:33 PM 2 comments