After school on Friday, I loaded the boys into the car and we drove to visit my parents. My cute nephew, brother, and sister-in-law met up with us there. We had fun taking pictures of the three boys, and then we all went trick or treating together. Thanks again Dad for taking these fun pictures.Some of you might be wondering why Brett is MIA (missing in action) for the last couple of "family" photographs. It's that time of year again. He went was on an elk hunt this past week. He is home now, and yes his hunt was successful. I'll post more details and pictures when I get them.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Posted by The Henrie's at 4:56 PM 8 comments
Pumpkin Walk
Another fall tradition of ours is to go check out the Pumpkin Walk. The line this year was a lot longer than I've ever seen it so we took more pictures waiting in line than we did of the actual pumpkins. It was fun to take Reed this year because he was old enough to enjoy it. Of course Jett was perfectly content hanging out in his stroller. We had a lot of fun, and we're excited to see all of the pumkins next year.
Thanks Chelsey for taking these fun pictures for us!!
Posted by The Henrie's at 4:44 PM 3 comments
CoRn MaZe
A few weekends ago we went to a corn maze with our friends. It was great weather, and the kids loved getting lost in the maze. We let the 3 amigos lead the way, and they loved the freedom. When it started getting dark, the adults decided to take charge. By then none of us had a clue where we were, and the map wasn't helping us very much. We ended up leaving the corn maze through the entrance because we couldn't find the exit.

Posted by The Henrie's at 4:16 PM 1 comments
Halloween Party
Each year we celebrate Halloween with Brett's family and all of the little cousins. This year the kids helped carve pumpkins, decorate cookies, and dress up in their costumes. Here are a couple of pictures from the party.
Posted by The Henrie's at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Pictures of the Boys
These pictures were taken about a month ago by my wonderful and talented Dad. Jett is 6 months in these pictures, and Reed is 2, almost 3 years old. It was a beautiful day, and I was pleased with the outcome of our photo shoot. Thanks again Dad!!
Posted by The Henrie's at 3:24 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Last night Brett and I went to see Thriller performed by the Odyssey Dance Company. This was our second time seeing it, and we loved it both times. It is our new Halloween tradition, and we can't wait until our kids are old enough to come with us. We would recommend it to anybody!
Before and after the performance the dancers walk around and try to scare you. I forgot my camera last year, but I remembered it last night. The dead dancers crawl up the rows of chairs and people while scaring everyone in the process. I am proud to admit that I only screamed once!
Posted by The Henrie's at 4:16 PM 2 comments
Hello Again!
Hi. My name is Becky. Sorry it's been awhile since I've last posted anything. Okay, maybe awhile doesn't quite fit . . . how about MONTHS since I've done anything with our blog. I feel like we have been going 100 mph, and we haven't slowed down. Maybe I can catch everyone up with our comings and goings:
Posted by The Henrie's at 1:24 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 31, 2008
~ Then and Now ~
One thing I love about having two boys is that I can reuse all of Reed's clothes with Jett. I've taken some pictures of Jett in some of the same outfits I took pictures of Reed wearing. It's fun for me to compare my boys and find their similarities/differences. One thing I've learned is that Jett is growing bigger and faster than Reed did so he gets to wear Reed's old clothes sooner than Reed did. So in these pictures Jett is about a month younger than Reed in all of the pictures.

Posted by The Henrie's at 1:36 PM 13 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
24th of July Baby Contest
I decided to take Jett to this year's contest just so I could put it in his scrapbook like I did for Reed. It was fun to show him off, and Jett was the 3-6 month's first attendant. We were so proud of him! The baby that took first place was adorable! I don't know how anybody can judge a contest like that. I just think it is a fun chance for parents to show off their cute kids. Congratulations Jett!!
Posted by The Henrie's at 1:48 PM 4 comments