Last night Brett took the dogs raccoon hunting, and they didn't get home until a little bit after 1:00 AM. Brett woke me up & dragged me out of bed because he needed my help. Instead of hunting raccoons last night, both of our dogs tried to take down a porcupine. Syre (not pictured) was the luckier dog of the two because he had half as many quills stuck in his face, mouth, and ears compared to Baxter (below).
Brett held the dogs down while I pulled quills out with pliers. It was the saddest thing. Luckily, Syre held relatively still, and we were able to get him all cleaned up. Baxter on the other hand wouldn't even let us get the pliers close to him. We went to bed thinking we were going to have to take Baxter into a vet today, & let them give him some anesthetic to get his quills pulled out.
This morning Brett's Dad came over, and between the two of them they were able to clean Baxter up. It looked like quite the painful process. Hopefully our dogs have learned their lesson & won't chase after anymore porcupines!
4 years ago
OHH how sad...
Oh My gosh!!! That is so sad. Did you get them all out??
We thought we got them all out, but we keep finding more stuck in there. Hopefully they learned their lesson! By the way, your little girl is ADORABLE!! I saw your pics on Lacy's blog & she is so cute! I have a present for her still because I wasn't able to make it to your shower. We have to have a friend lunch before she gets too big for it! I'll plan one & let you know.
Poor dogs! They are too curious!
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