Saturday, March 29, 2008
Our Easter Suprise
Saturday night around 9:00 I started feeling some contractions. Brett was out raccoon hunting at the time and when he got home at midnight we decided to call his parents and have them come over to stay with Reed. We got to the hospital and I was having steady contractions every five minutes but they wanted to make sure I was in actual labor so I needed my cervix to thin out more than what it was before I got to the hospital. So for the next hour I walked the halls of the hospital while Brett slept on the couch. They didn't admit me into the hospital until 2:00 AM. Once I was admitted they started my antibiotics because I tested positive for the Group B Strep Bacteria. It's normally not a big deal, they just give the mom the medicine once she goes into labor and the baby will be fine. The doctor said 40% of pregnant women have the virus in their system and it comes and goes.
Posted by The Henrie's at 1:22 PM 5 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
We lost a fence, but saved our house!
Posted by The Henrie's at 1:24 PM 4 comments
And the battle continues...
So I decided today that I need a basement...or I guess you could say my marriage could use a basement. Let me explain. I already have quite the collection of dead animals inside of my house. I'm okay with the fact that my husband is a hunter. What I'm not okay with is how he thinks he needs to turn everything he shoots into a trophy and hang it proudly in our house. Isn't that what a garage it for? This morning Brett came home with a new "decoration" for our living room. I tried to politely tell him we had reached our "dead animals in the house" quota, but he continued to hang up the deer mount he just brought home. Of course Reed was thrilled and wanted to help Dad hang it up. All I have to say is I better move into a house with a basement before the next hunting season begins.
The deer mount is new today. I tried unsuccessfully to talk Brett out of hanging it up in the same room as the elk and the mountain lion. So if you come over to visit us in the near future, I am apologizing right now for any children these animals might scare. I'm just giving you a heads up.
Posted by The Henrie's at 1:01 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
36 Weeks and Counting...
Sorry I've been a little behind updating my posts. I love reading everyone else's so much I forget to work on my own. I am now officially 36 weeks along and I had another doctor's appointment today. The ultrasound says our little guy is measuring to be about 6 to 7 pounds and is head down ready to go. I'm dilated to a 3 and about 60% effaced. The doctor made it sound like things are going to happen sooner than later, but I just want him to stay in there as long as he can just to make sure he is big and healthy. Of course I have the usual back pains and I'm starting to waddle, but other than that I think things are going okay. I just pray my water doesn't break in front of 27 fourth graders.

Posted by The Henrie's at 8:40 PM 6 comments