Wow! It's been a LONG time since I have even looked at my blog. I'm thinking no one even looks at this thing anyways, so I don't feel too guilty.
There is not much to write about. We are doing well & keeping busy. School has started up for Reed and he loves it! I love bringing him to school with me every day. Jett & his BIG personality keep our family entertained. He wants to meet every person he sees, introduces himself as "Jett the Fastest Boy" or "Eric", and he has quite the imagination.
There is not much to write about. We are doing well & keeping busy. School has started up for Reed and he loves it! I love bringing him to school with me every day. Jett & his BIG personality keep our family entertained. He wants to meet every person he sees, introduces himself as "Jett the Fastest Boy" or "Eric", and he has quite the imagination.
Brett is keeping busy with work while trying to juggle all of his hunts. He got an elk a few weeks ago with his bow. I was thrilled with the elk he shot. He got it a few days into the hunt so he wasn't gone for very long AND it is smaller than the elk I have on my wall. It was the perfect elk in my eyes! If it had been a bigger elk, he might have added to the animal graveyard in my house.
Here are a few pictures to catch you up on our family:
Here are a few pictures to catch you up on our family:
Reed's first day of Kindergarten
Hiking trip up to Powder Mountain with my boys
Brett set up the tent in our backyard & Reed informed me no girls were allowed. Last month we took the boys camping in Monroe & here are a few pictures from our trip:
Uncle Scott teaching Jett how to fish
Jett being lazy & refusing to walk - Uncle Scott giving into him.