Sorry it's been so long since I've last updated. I've decided I'm not going to try keeping up with my blog anymore, but if I feel inspired to post something I will. After making this monumental decision, it was amazing how quickly my blogger guilt disappeared!
Here is an update on our family:
Brett is still going strong with his own business. It's been quite the adventure, but we are learning new things every day. Doing it all on his own has been fun for me to watch Brett grow & become an amazing leader. In Brett's free time he is usually hunting/chasing something with our two hounds.
As for me, I am still trying to keep my head above water. Between my boys, teaching, Brett's book work, & keeping up on my house, I've had my hands full. That is another reason why I am not dedicating much of my time on this blog. My free time is spent on my family, excersizing, or reading a good book.
Reed will be turning 5 in January! We can't believe how fast time flies. This year Reed has been doing so well at preschool, and he can't wait to come to his Mom's school next year. I hope he continues to love learning because it makes things much easier for everyone! Reed also has become Brett's best friend. Reed isn't afraid to do anything, so Brett is constantly taking Reed everywhere with him. We've loved watching Reed grow into a little boy.
Last but not least, Jett will be 3 in March. It's amazing watching him progress so fast. He follows Reed everywhere and learns everything he can from his older brother (sometimes too much). Our focus right now with Jett is potty training. Boy does it get frustrating some times! Jett is also quite a stubborn child when he wants to be, but he is also VERY funny & loveable!
The other night Reed & I wrote a letter to Santa Claus telling him some ideas of what to get us for Christmas. Reed dictated the letter to me & I was the scribe. Reed asked for a water gun, long rope, head light, real live kitty cat, gun that shoots arrows, flowers to give his Mom, a purse for Jett, a new ring for his Dad, and his very own dishwasher. WOW does he have quite the wish list! Oh & now every night when he says his prayers, Reed prays to Santa Claus too. We asked Jett what he wants Santa to bring him for Christmas & Jett said he wants bouncy balls and marshmallows. What a simple kid!
I hope you have enjoyed this Henrie update. You might not see another for a really long time. We just want to wish everyone a merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy new year!
Brett, Becky, Reed, & Jett Henrie